Henry at 10 years old

It has gone fast and now we have to make arrangements to visit Secondary Schools, and I am nervous about it, but excited at the same time. I am not wishing his life away but seeing him grow it reminds me how time is more precious, each and every day.

He is still into Helicopters and Blippi and watches other content which we have had to delete, and monitor what he is watching. I feel you have to, because it can influence a child and with Henry he copies all the time and so have to be vigilant, in what he watches.

We still having a bedwetting issues at night, and is becoming a little frustrating and trying different ways to influence him to keep the bed dry, and last week we had dry nights, and felt relieved but then wet the bed again, so not sure what to do. If you have any advice please leave below. I thought we’d, and mean me and my husband, (son’s dad) and gone passed that stage, so yes, and I hope it soon stops, and I think I am going to speak to the GP for his advice, because last night he was dry.

Apart from that his speech has progressed a lot, and will say hello to another child, those he knows and doesn’t and seems to have more energy as he grows and constantly going from one thing to another, but it is good because he is starting to use a multi range of words and sentences, as he struggled with communication. He still so socialable and he does speak well, and not that he didn’t like talking, he just didn’t have that many words, to make sentences, and is a lot better.

Skills such as reading, is good but because he wants to do physical activities a lot of the time, its hard to get him to read, but have been installing this into his routine, and with writing. Yet when he saw and played with a friend of ours daughter was there, he did some painting masks and on paper, and so has learned a lot from other children, and want to continue that.

He feeds of other children. and so to help have paid for him to go to a holiday club during the school holidays and he loves it. He always has such a good time and will draw and paint pictures, play sports and story time, and learning.

So his development is getting better and better, and feel as I complete this blog that his bed wetting is a phase and will grow out of it. He is still developing and will continue to support and help him grow.

I do write another parenting blog and so check it out: https://theparentingadventurestipsandtricks.wordpress.com

I have written books too, check The Parenting Adventures, under the name Carrie Challoner on amazon.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

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